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Boletín número 24 - Junio 2012
Nuevos materiales de carbon para la captura de CO2
pp. 2-6
J. Silvestre-Albero, F. Rodríguez-Reinoso
ABSTRACT: The design of porous materials with improved properties in the selective capture of CO2 is a challenging task in environmental chemistry. Among the different porous solids, carbon materials are proposed as promising candidates both in terms of adsorption capacity and selectivity towards CO2 against other molecules of similar molecular dimensions. Both the porous structure and the surface chemistry are critical factors defining the adsorption/separation properties. The presence of a well-defined and highly developed porous structure, mainly in the microporous range, together with the presence of surface groups with basic character (nitrogen groups) allow the development of carbon materials with promising properties in the aforementioned application.
A new star(ch) is born: Starbons ® as biomass-derived mesoporous carbonaceous materials
pp. 7-11
R. Luquea*, V. Budarinb, P.S. Shuttleworthb, J.H. Clarkb
ABSTRACT: Porous carbon materials are present in a wide range of technologically important applications, including separation science, heterogeneous catalyst supports, water purification filters, stationary phase materials, as well as the developing future areas of energy generation and storage applications. Hard template routes to ordered mesoporous carbons are well established, but whilst offering different mesoscopic textural phases, the surface of the material is difficult to chemically post-modify and processing is energy, resource and step intensive. The production of carbon materials from biomass (i.e. sugars or polysaccharides) is a relatively new but rapidly expanding research area. In this manuscript, we describe the preparation, properties and applications of a novel family of polysaccharide-derived mesoporous carbonaceous materials derived from renewable resources (namely polysaccharides) denoted as Starbons®.
El proceso siderúrgico como vía de reciclado de residuos plásticos
pp. 12-18
M.A. Diez*, R. Álvarez, S. Melendi
ABSTRACT: The development of new recycling ways to allow the recovery of plastics from municipal wastes is of great interest in order to keep as many options open, especially when the co-processing with raw materials can be performed in consolidate industrial processes.
In this context, integrated steel plants can be considered as an option for those wastes with technical limitations for conventional mechanical recycling. The combination of the blast furnace route and coke plant in the steel industry provide a way to expand feedstock recycling with several environmental benefits such as saving fossil fuels, reducing landfill of the wastes and reducing solid particles, SO2 and CO2 emissions. This paper is an attempt to compile some relevant advances in these recycling routes.