Grupo Español del Carbon - GEC
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Boletín número 33 - Septiembre 2014

Introducción a las tecnologías de aprovechamiento de biomasa.
An introduction to biomass valorisation technologies.

pp. 2-6

J. Arauzo, F.Bimbela, J.Ábrego, J.L.Sánchez, A.Gonzalo

Resumen: La biomasa representa la única fuente disponible de materiales, productos de valor añadido y combustibles basados en carbono de origen renovable. En general, las transformaciones de la biomasa suponen un balance energético neutro en CO2, a la vez que favorecen la diversificación energética, evitan el abandono de tierras y contribuyen al buen estado y sostenimiento de la masa forestal, con escaso impacto ambiental asociado...


El biodiésel dentro de la biorrefinería. Nuevas estrategias.
Biodiesel within the biorefinery. New strategies.

pp. 7-10

L. Botella, F.Bimbela, J. Ábrego, A. Gonzalo, J.L.Sánchez

Resumen: El biodiésel es, junto con el bioetanol, el biocarburante que ha alcanzado un mayor grado de desarrollo y de sustitución de los carburantes fósiles. La producción industrial de biodiésel se realiza mayoritariamente a partir de aceites obtenidos de vegetales oleaginosos, mediante la transesterificación directa de los triglicéridos utilizando metanol, y NaOH o KOH como catalizadores...


Biomass pyrolysis liquids. Fundamentals, technologies and new strategies.
Líquidos de pírolisis de biomasa. Fundamentos, tecnologías y nuevas estrategias

pp. 11-14

F.Bimbela, J. Abrego, A. Gonzalo, J.L.Sánchez, J. Arauzo

Abstract: Biomass pyrolysis liquids are promising for the production of valuable chemicals, fuels and energy from renewable resources. Fast pyrolysis technologies are selected for maximizing the yield to liquid products, being characterized by short residence times for solids and vapors, very high heating rates and operating temperatures typically in the range of 450-550 ºC...


Purificación y acondicionamiento del gas de gasificación de biomasa.
Purification and conditioning of biomass gasification gas.

pp. 15-19

E. Ruiz, J.M. Sánchez

Resumen: En el proceso de gasificación de biomasa se obtiene un gas susceptible de utilización en calderas, motores, turbina de gas y turbina de vapor (ciclo combinado), pilas de combustible y síntesis química. No obstante, es necesaria una etapa previa de depuración y acondicionamiento del mismo con objeto de eliminar contaminantes a niveles suficientemente bajos para cumplir con la normativa medioambiental...


RESEÑA TESIS. Activation process of spherical and fibrous carbon precursors for Gas phase adsorption of volatile organic compounds.

pp. 20-22

A. José Romero Anaya Presented in 2013

Objetives and novelty: Activated carbons (ACs) are amongst the most promising materials in environmental applications. Hence, new applications are emerging constantly, which imply that the world consumption of these materials is steadily increasing. Among the different methods employed in the preparation of new carbon materials, the interest on the hydrothermal treatment for the preparation of spherical materials can be remarked due to the advantages that the spherical carbons have in comparison with granular activated carbons or powdered activated carbons...


RESEÑA TESIS. Optimization of nanostructured materials for hydrocarbon abatement during the cold-start period of gasoline vehicles.

pp. 23-24

B. Puértolas Lacambra (2014)

Objectives and novelty: Air pollution poses a major environmental concern worldwide. In metropolitan areas, motor vehicle exhaust contributes a major source of contaminants. More restrictive legislations regarding automotive emissions resulting in a remarkable decrease in the amount of pollutants associated to new vehicles. With current three-way catalysts (TWC), a recognized challenge in preventing these emissions is the lack of treatment capacity of hydrocarbons (HC) and CO under cold-start conditions. Fresh catalysts start to operate at ca. 170 ºC, but aged catalysts light-off at ca. 200-225 ºC...


RESEÑA TESIS. Pd nanoparticles for their application in catalysis and h2 detection systems.

pp. 25-26

I. Miguel García

Objectives and novelty: Nowadays the use of H2 is one of the most promising alternatives to replace fossil fuels in the energy industry. However, due to its properties, safety issues concerning H2 generation, transport, storage and use must always be considered...


RESEÑA TESIS. Process modelling of ca-looping systems integrated in energy conversions systems

pp. 27-28

I. Martínez

Objectives and novelty: According to the recently published IPCC report, human contribution to detected changes in climate components is clear. CO2 is the greenhouse gas that makes the largest contribution from human activities, mainly associated to fossil fuel combustion in power plants, refineries or large industrial facilities...


RESEÑA. Congreso Graphene 2014

pp. 29

Ignacio Martín Gullón. Universidad de Alicante.

Entre los días 6 y 9 de mayo pasados tuvo lugar en Toulouse la conferencia GRAPHENE 2014, cuarta edición consecutiva de la conferencia europea GRAPHENE 20XX que organiza Phantoms Foundation, fundación con sede en Madrid que centra sus actividades en la diseminación de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología...

socios y entidades
protectores   asociadas
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC

indexado por
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC

SEDE SOCIAL: Instituto de Carboquímica, ICB-CSIC • C/ Miguel Luesma Castán, 4 • 50018 • Zaragoza • España •