Grupo Español del Carbon - GEC
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Boletín número 43 - Marzo 2017


pp. 1

Asociación Mexicana de Carbono (AMEXCarb)

Agradezco al comité editorial del Boletín del Grupo Español de Carbón su atenta invitación para ser editor invitado en éste número especial, donde se publican algunos trabajos presentados en el Primer Congreso de la Asociación Mexicana de Carbono (AMEXCarb2015), el cual se llevó a cabo del 10 al 13 de noviembre de 2015 ...

Iron-modified carbon paste electrodes and their application as sensors in As(V) detection
Electrodos de pasta de carbón modificados con partículas de hierro y su aplicación como sensores en la detección de As(V)

pp. 2-6

E. Toral-Sánchez, J.R. Rangel-Méndez, L.F. Cházaro Ruiz

Abstract: The electrochemical detection of arsenic (V) [As(V)] was evaluated on a carbon paste electrode modified with iron hydro(oxide) particles in the presence of NaNO3 salt used as electrolytic media in the experiments. ...

Anchorage of lanthanum oxyhydroxides on activated carbon to increase its fluoride removal from water
Inmovilización de oxihidróxidos de lantano sobre carbón activado para incrementar su capacidad de remoción de fluoruros del agua

pp. 7-12

E. Vences-Alvarez, J. R. Rangel Méndez

Abstract: Fluoride is beneficial to humans health at a concentration of 0.7 mg L-1, but it is considered dangerous when ingested at concentrations above 1.5 mg L-1, which is the limit concentration recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) ...

Enzymatic degradation of nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes
Degradación enzimática de nanotubos de carbono dopados con nitrógeno

pp. 13-16

G. Azuara-Tuexi, F. López-Urías, M. Quintana, E. Muñoz-Sandoval

Resumen: Es bien conocido que a la fecha la toxicidad de los nanotubos de carbono aún no está bien estudiada. Muy recientemente se estableció que los nanotubos de carbono llamados MWCNT-7 sean clasificados como posiblemente carcinogénicos para los humanos ...

Effect of pyrolysis temperature and microwave frequency on dielectric properties of lignocellulosic material used as carbon precursor
Efecto de la temperatura de pirólisis y la frecuencia de radiación de microondas en las propiedades dieléctricas de un residuo lignocelulósico usado como precursor de carbón

pp. 17-20

G. Durán-Jiménez, V. Hernández-Montoya, S. Kingman, T. Monti, E. Binner

Abstract: In the present work the determination of dielectric properties of one lignocellulosic waste used in the preparation of carbon was studied using the cavity perturbation method. Dependence of dielectric properties of material with respect to temperature and radiation frequency were analyzed from room temperature to 650 °C and at frequencies in the range of 396-2989 MHz. ...

Reseña Tesis. Alternative anodic materials for the development of sustainable lithium-ion batteries

pp. 21-23

N. Cuesta Pedrayes

Objetives and Novelty: Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are the most attractive and feasible alternative for the development of massive electrical energy storage systems to allow the implementation of renewable energy sources as well as the electric vehicle, thus contributing to the transition from an energy model based on fossil fuels to other more sustainable ...

Reseña Tesis Doctoral. Carbon nanofilaments from catalytic decompositon of methane-rich streams as precursors of graphenic materials

pp. 24-26

D. Torres

The catalytic decomposition of methane-rich streams such as natural gas or biogas is a viable alternative to conventional H2 or syngas production processes such as steam or dry methane reforming ...

Reseña Tesis Doctoral. Microwave-induced synthesis of carbon xerogels. Design of bespoke porous materials

pp. 27-29

N. Rey-Raap

Objectives and Novelty: Carbon xerogels are synthetic materials which have attracted a great interest over the last decades due to the possibility of tailoring their chemical and porous properties ...


socios y entidades
protectores   asociadas
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
Industrial Quimica del Nalon - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC
 Bonsai Advanced Technologies - socio protector GEC

indexado por
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC
Socios protectores del GEC

SEDE SOCIAL: Instituto de Carboquímica, ICB-CSIC • C/ Miguel Luesma Castán, 4 • 50018 • Zaragoza • España •